
Welcome to Poppins

Email or text me anything you want to remember - even that long soccer schedule
I'll send you calendar invites and smart reminders
I'll also give you personalized suggestions - for instance- get that soccer snack!

Let the Magic Happen...

Create Your Account

Sign up for your free Poppins account, fill out your user profile, and invite your partner.

The information we collect helps us help you, by keeping track of activities, extracurriculars, events in your area that best fit your children, and more. We do not share your data externally, and we’ve gone full mama bear mode to keep your—and your children’s—data safe.

Put Poppins To Work

Forward your emails and texts to Poppins. Poppin's AI will pull out the important bits, add them to your calendar, create reminders, and notify your partner of new events.

Get Notified

Poppins will send you email notifications and reminders of upcoming events

We've got a lot up our sleeves

Enrichment Opportunities

We'll send you fun ideas and resources to complement your kiddo's education.

Local Recommendations

Get notified of upcoming local events and activities that align with your child’s interests.

Gift Ideas

Have a birthday coming up? Poppins will find the perfect gift within your budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

We love questions more than a toddler loves the word "why!"

By syncing your calendar, Poppins can just place the events straight onto your calendar. If it is not synced, you'll get separate invitations for each event sent to your email.

They are already on your calendar with the name that appears in the summary. A link to the original email can be found in the description of the event.

You can take a picture with your phone, and then email from your phone the image straight to Poppins. Poppins can read text from images and create an event, placing it right on your calendar.

Yes! Screenshot the text and email Poppins the image. Poppins can read images and create events from that. We are working on a texting channel - coming soon!

You are now able to add your partner's email from your account info section so that they receive all events that you add through the system

Use the calendar that you use today. Our goal is to make your life easier, not more difficult! If you use a personal gmail calendar, sync it and we will add the events right in there. If you use outlook, you can sign up with your outlook email and add the events to your calendar, or you can add your work outlook email as an associated email and send all events there as well. If your calendar is synced, any event you add in the app will show up on your calendar too.

If your calendar is synced with Poppins then the events will be automatically populated. Test a few events by sending some emails to poppins@meetpoppins.com and see how it works.

You will get a reminder 1 week before and the day before the event. We are working on some cool new reminder features, coming soon!

At the moment you can only sync one email address with Poppins but we are working on this feature and it will be coming out soon!

Poppins will only share the events you add to your calendar with Poppins to your partner, not all events

We only ask for name, date of birth, gender, and their interests so that we can better help you organize yourself around activities, extracurriculars, events in your area that best fit your children, etc. We use your data as context for the AI to help improve your experience, and not anything else. We do not share your data externally, and we encrypt our data so you and your children are not exposed.

If your calendar is 'synced' then it will appear on both calendars

The Poppins calendar is to make organizing a little easier. You can color code events according to children and caregivers so you know what is coming up for each member of the family in the coming week
Have more questions?
Get in touch!

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